• 關於我

    About Me 

    「……當光明持續存在時,黑暗就沒有機會出現。現在是點亮全世界光明的時候。」 — 瑪哈禮希‧瑪赫西‧優濟 2004年12月22日。 

    "...when the light is maintained, there is no chance for darkness. This is the time for lighting up the light everywhere in the world." — Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 22 December 2004. 


    我持續受到瑪赫西大師的啟發並且提醒自己:「首先成為光明,成為你自己的光 ; 當黑暗被你的光明驅散時,你將協助他人點亮他們內在的光明。」 

    I continued to be inspired by Maharishi's words and told myself, “Be the light first. Be your own light. When the darkness is dispelled by your light. You shall help others light up their light within.”

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    蕾吉娜 Regina (AP) 

    阿育吠陀整體健康推動者 |

    Ayurveda Wellness and Integrative Health Facilitator

    阿育吠陀身心轉化諮詢師 |

    Ayurveda Wellness & Mind Body Transformation Counselor

    阿育吠陀療癒執行師 |

    Ayurvedic Practitioner 

    超覺靜坐TM靜心者 |

    Transcendental Meditation Practitioner  



    2021-2024 | 碩士 MSc | 瑪赫西阿育吠陀暨整合醫學系 MAVIM | 瑪赫西國際大學 Maharishi International University | 美國 US

    2006-2007 | 碩士 MA | 國際企業與行銷管理系 IBMM | TiasNimbas 商學院 | 荷蘭 NL



    印度 | 阿育吠陀五行療法 Ayurveda Panchakarma | 國際研討會暨醫院實習培訓 Hospital Clinical Training | 阿育吠陀 Sreedhareeyam 眼科專科醫院研究中心

    美國 | 瑪赫西阿育吠陀暨整合醫學實習培訓 On Campus Clinical Training

    台灣 | 美國NAHA全人芳香療法協會 (L2) Dec 2024

    台灣 | 美國NAHA全人芳香療法協會 (L1 ) Nov 2023

    台灣 | 美國INHA國際自然療法師協會

    台灣 | 英國GTI專業美容治療師公會

    台灣 | 英國IFPA國際專業芳香療法師聯合會

    台灣 | 台灣國際芳香療法協會

    台灣 | 台灣認證NLP初階執行師 | 神經語言程式學


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    Purpose of Life






    如果您已準備好踏上屬於您自己的自我療癒之旅,並願意藉由古老的瑪赫西阿育吠陀(Maharishi AyurVeda)智慧引領,我非常樂意成為您的夥伴與指引者。讓我們一起探索這段不可思議的『返家』之旅,深入內心體驗身、心、意識蛻變的奇蹟。




    For years, I searched endlessly for the meaning of life, only to realize that life's true purpose is not something we find—it’s something we create. We are the ones who give our lives meaning. When I embarked on this profound Ayurvedic self-healing journey, my entire life transformed. My body, mind, and soul became more aligned, balanced, and vibrant than ever before. Now, I’m excited to share this life-changing experience with you. I believe everyone has the power to awaken the divine consciousness within, to tap into their own self-healing potential, and to cultivate a life of health, balance, and fulfillment.


    If you are ready to embark on your journey of self-healing, guided by the ancient wisdom of Maharishi Ayurveda, I would be honored to be your partner and guide. Together, let us explore this incredible journey of “coming home,” diving deep within to experience the miracles of transformation in body, mind, and consciousness. Welcome to this extraordinary journey of returning to your true self.